

Monday, 24 November 2014

Life Hacks #1


I know that Irah Had just posted a beauty hacks from our previous post. So this post is gonna be about Life Hacks! :)

1. Your shoes/heels/flats are too small? Wear a layer of socks if its not thick, wear two socks. Then take a blow dryer and blow dry the whole area.
2. Sensitive to fake earrings? Don't worry :) Take a clear polish or which ever polish that is transparent/clear and paint it at the back of your earrings and you can wear the fake beautiful earrings! :)

3. Want to eat a strawberry without doing too much work like cutting the top part of or plucking? Use a straw and from the bottom poke through all the way up to the tip :)
4. To open a can of jar easily, use a spoon or fork and hit around the edge of the jar, and then open it :)

5.  To make your teeth whiter, use a banana peel and just scrub it on for two minutes or use a lemon and baking soda too brush it on.

6.  Want to try to make your own colour nail polish? Use your old eyeshadow or an cheap eyeshadow and scrap it of the palette into a clear nail polish. Use a stick to mix the clear polish and eyeshadow and close the cap of the nail polish.
7. Want to have lip balm but don't have? All you need is a small container, cheap/old lipstick, Vaseline, stick and candles. Chop the lipstick into powdery form and put into the container. Melt the Vaseline with the candles and spoon and pour into the container, mix them together until it is blended well. Put the container inside the refrigerator for 15 minutes and ta-dah! you have your own DIY lip balm :)
So that's it for today, I hope most of you learn something new :)
 Thanks for reading <3

~ Stay Fabulous And Be Pretty ~

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Beauty hacks #1

                       Here are some beauty hacks that might help you :)                    

1. Use your lash curler to get the  perfect eyeliner stich.Use your lash curler to get the perfect eyeliner sitch.

2. If you accidentally purchase a foundation that’s too dark, adding a bit of moisturizer to your mix can help lighten it.

3. Use a vaseline and rub on your pulse point  before spraying your perfume to make the scent last longer.

4. If you want to make your flaky, clumpy mascara last longer, mix a little contact solution in.

5. Too lazy to wash your face at night? Keep face wipes by your bed.

                        ~ Stay Fabulous And Be Pretty ~




Sunday, 2 November 2014


                             Hey cuties we're so sorry for not uploading more post as we are kinda busy but well we do have time to upload but we are kinda tired. So we are also trying to upload more youtube videos in our youtube channel do check out our links down below.We will be also updating more post for sure just  stay tune. Thanks for reading.